
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Confucius Say..

Ah, the joy of meandering through the Asian grocers.

I took a quick zip out to Sunnybank during today's lunch break, to the land of little Asia's. My shopping list only had a few items on it such as cans of peach flavoured water drink, wasabi peas, Pocky, BBQ pork buns and red bean buns, but the level of temptation to just collect things in the shopping basket because they look intriguing is always high. There are jars of pickled "things", packets of ground "things" and "things" in the freezer which you really don't want to question!

And half the fun is selecting something which may not even have an English detail on the label - it's like Chinese Roulette at the end of each aisle! Considering many items, as with in our own general supermarket, are only a dollar or two, it's worth the hesitation to select something different each time - you never know what culinary treasure you just may uncover.

In addition to the groceries, I came away with bubble tea... let me say that again to encourage further drooling... BUBBBBBBBBBLE TEEEEEEEEEEA! Taro milk with pearl, passionfruit jasmine with lychee jelly, and honey jasmine with lychee jelly. Oh the delights of chewy bits in the bottom of a plastic cup!

Truth be told, I couldn't think of anything else to write about today, so you've been granted a brief blog about something even more irrelevant and useless to you than what you normally read! And with that..... it's home time


Unknown said...

But just as fun :)

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