
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Nicknames... have you got one? Do you refuse to acknowledge the one you have? C'mon tell me, what is it?

Of course I'm referring to those terms of endearment graced upon you by others, as either a bastardisation of your name, or some cutesy type reminder of some embarrassing childhood moment as opposed to those macho self-indulgent screen names you generate as the staple identity of your online persona.

I bought this topic up because of a comment on my last blog post where I was referred to as Manda-Panda. I really haven't heard that in about 15 years when a classmate used to bellow it out across the room in an attempt to reduce me to a quivering puddle of embarrassment. In addition to the simplistic variations on my name (Mandy, Manda) it often became Mandy-Moo or as per my parents nickname for me, Lou (shortened from my middle name, Louise).

Other than that, I don't believe I've ever had another nickname bestowed upon me... and somehow I don't think Bitch falls in to this category!


Alex said...

Hi "bitch".

Love, Barney.

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