
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sounds gracing my ears today

It's been a few days of headaches, heartaches and general all-over aches. I've tried to maintain a productive level of concentration, but it hasn't been easy. So, to eliminate as much external noise and distraction as possible, I've been plugged in to my extensive music collection.

The problem therein lies with being able to select something worthy of listening to, which I don't get bored of within the first 45 seconds. It's not been an easy task I tell you! So here's a little bit of musical culture for you to also enjoy.

Today, my aural senses have been satisfied with the likes of:
Buena Vista Social Club

A little bit of ol' Dean Martin and Roger Miller

**Oh, I've decided to put up a post every day/couple of days just linking interesting things, or making a ragey comment about something which is irking me, or just generally taking up intarweb space which I claim to feel should be 'mine', just, because!


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