
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's your OCD?

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). OCD is the fourth most common mental disorder and is diagnosed nearly as often as asthma and diabetes mellitus.

So, now that you have close to a medical definition, let us wind back those formalities and just have a look at the more placated social OCD's that people may/do have (I do believe these may be also referred to as idiosyncrasies to allay the serious inference of a mental condition!)

Personally I have to say, two specific habits spring to mind:

1 - I can only turn anti-clockwise in the shower. I heard it mentioned on TV many years ago that people have a preferential direction, which extended to rotational direction in activities like showering. For me, I've found that whilst I can turn to my right, I only get to about a quarter turn and then find I change direction and pivot through 450 degrees to maintain a sense of balance. Stop and think about it... does it make any difference to you which way you rotate when trying to get all of your body covered in water? Make yourself aware of this and see what your habits are the next few times you shower.

2 - My FireFox tabs have to be in a set order. It's something I deal with every day and it's such a habit to have my work site, iGoogle, Gmail, Facebook, Forums, Webmail, News and then other sites set up in my browser that I find I get confused and disoriented if they're not in this order. I like things set out in a particular manner (I think most people with a sense of cleanliness/order/space/even pride would experience similar things). It makes a work or living space feel together, in sync and functional. I guess that's what extends to something as basic as my browser tabs.

Call me weird if you must - sticks and stones and all that crap! Just reflect.. what are those little things that make you, you?


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