
Sunday, March 21, 2010

One man's trash...

...should often be considered everyone's trash!

I have a routine of going to the Dodgers car boot sale during the sun-rising hours of the second Sunday of each month. This is one of the largest boot sales on the Gold Coast, and many a bargain find has been achieved over the years - everything from electrical appliances, to baby furniture and home decor items. But it never ceases to amaze me the amount of sheer crap that is on display in anticipation of being sold.

Many items are damaged, not in working order, rusty, missing parts, old and smelly and even mouldy, and some are just downright dangerous. This weekend past I saw a bloke walk away from the sales with a half spool of curling ribbon, tin of paint which looked as though it had been hidden in someone's garage for about 25 years, and a rusty and chipped saw. In the case of the saw, an item you can pick up new from Bunnings for about ten bucks, why would you even consider buying a relict old piece of junk from a boot sale (unless of course it was purchased for it's "character", but I'm seriously doubting that!)?

I'm not sure what's worse - that someone is willing to sell this stuff, or that someone is willing to buy it.


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