
Friday, March 26, 2010

In a mouthful or with little nibbles?

I was just offered a Ferrero Rocher and as I hurriedly unwrapped the golden foil I pondered what the correct etiquette for consuming such a delectable item is.

See, the trouble with consumables made in the 'mouthful' size range is that whilst it's fine to shovel one in whole when you're on your own and nobody else can see you, it can often be perceived as being greedy and gluttonous when in company.

But to take bites out of something that can be consumed in one hit seems silly and time wasting... not to mention it probably looks like someone imitating a rat, gnawing on a chunk of cheese. Besides, why would you bite in to something which has a fragile shell, and nut pieces which will inevitably fall off when disturbed from their chocolate setting, hence running the risk of losing parts of aforementioned delectable item?

Stuff appearance and etiquette.. just woof the chocolate down!


Unknown said...

Like I said, poor bunny.

Now post more :)

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