
Friday, March 26, 2010

In a mouthful or with little nibbles?

I was just offered a Ferrero Rocher and as I hurriedly unwrapped the golden foil I pondered what the correct etiquette for consuming such a delectable item is.

See, the trouble with consumables made in the 'mouthful' size range is that whilst it's fine to shovel one in whole when you're on your own and nobody else can see you, it can often be perceived as being greedy and gluttonous when in company.

But to take bites out of something that can be consumed in one hit seems silly and time wasting... not to mention it probably looks like someone imitating a rat, gnawing on a chunk of cheese. Besides, why would you bite in to something which has a fragile shell, and nut pieces which will inevitably fall off when disturbed from their chocolate setting, hence running the risk of losing parts of aforementioned delectable item?

Stuff appearance and etiquette.. just woof the chocolate down!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

One man's trash...

...should often be considered everyone's trash!

I have a routine of going to the Dodgers car boot sale during the sun-rising hours of the second Sunday of each month. This is one of the largest boot sales on the Gold Coast, and many a bargain find has been achieved over the years - everything from electrical appliances, to baby furniture and home decor items. But it never ceases to amaze me the amount of sheer crap that is on display in anticipation of being sold.

Many items are damaged, not in working order, rusty, missing parts, old and smelly and even mouldy, and some are just downright dangerous. This weekend past I saw a bloke walk away from the sales with a half spool of curling ribbon, tin of paint which looked as though it had been hidden in someone's garage for about 25 years, and a rusty and chipped saw. In the case of the saw, an item you can pick up new from Bunnings for about ten bucks, why would you even consider buying a relict old piece of junk from a boot sale (unless of course it was purchased for it's "character", but I'm seriously doubting that!)?

I'm not sure what's worse - that someone is willing to sell this stuff, or that someone is willing to buy it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Nicknames... have you got one? Do you refuse to acknowledge the one you have? C'mon tell me, what is it?

Of course I'm referring to those terms of endearment graced upon you by others, as either a bastardisation of your name, or some cutesy type reminder of some embarrassing childhood moment as opposed to those macho self-indulgent screen names you generate as the staple identity of your online persona.

I bought this topic up because of a comment on my last blog post where I was referred to as Manda-Panda. I really haven't heard that in about 15 years when a classmate used to bellow it out across the room in an attempt to reduce me to a quivering puddle of embarrassment. In addition to the simplistic variations on my name (Mandy, Manda) it often became Mandy-Moo or as per my parents nickname for me, Lou (shortened from my middle name, Louise).

Other than that, I don't believe I've ever had another nickname bestowed upon me... and somehow I don't think Bitch falls in to this category!

Run, Forrest, Run.

I had somewhat of a Gump day yesterday - I just wanted to run and run and run, but due to the physical inhibitors (also known as one borked heart) I was restricted to just couple of hundred meters during my walk around the campus Ring Road. The whole journey only took 20 minutes and felt somewhat anti-climactic upon conclusion in all honesty. The heart did have a few backflip sessions with a rate >180bpm but nothing significant or concerning. Which makes me wonder why I'm still having so many problems with it lately - where it feels like it's about to beat right out of my chest and have rhythmic pulsations to enable it to jump itself down the road.

But there must have been some physiological stir in the 20 minutes of outdoor adventure - my right shin and muscles around my waist are aching something chronically today. And whilst I'm finding it difficult to even stand up from my desk, it's knowing that the discomfort (not pain!) will subside and I can try again, pushing harder, further and aiming for less and less strain each time.

Now, to maintain some level of encouragement and enthusiasm. I'm thinking of focussing on the benefit of at least being out of the office, away from my confines and away from rage-inducing people for that brief period of time. That ought to be enough to keep me going for a while I hope.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Confucius Say..

Ah, the joy of meandering through the Asian grocers.

I took a quick zip out to Sunnybank during today's lunch break, to the land of little Asia's. My shopping list only had a few items on it such as cans of peach flavoured water drink, wasabi peas, Pocky, BBQ pork buns and red bean buns, but the level of temptation to just collect things in the shopping basket because they look intriguing is always high. There are jars of pickled "things", packets of ground "things" and "things" in the freezer which you really don't want to question!

And half the fun is selecting something which may not even have an English detail on the label - it's like Chinese Roulette at the end of each aisle! Considering many items, as with in our own general supermarket, are only a dollar or two, it's worth the hesitation to select something different each time - you never know what culinary treasure you just may uncover.

In addition to the groceries, I came away with bubble tea... let me say that again to encourage further drooling... BUBBBBBBBBBLE TEEEEEEEEEEA! Taro milk with pearl, passionfruit jasmine with lychee jelly, and honey jasmine with lychee jelly. Oh the delights of chewy bits in the bottom of a plastic cup!

Truth be told, I couldn't think of anything else to write about today, so you've been granted a brief blog about something even more irrelevant and useless to you than what you normally read! And with that..... it's home time

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's your OCD?

Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions). OCD is the fourth most common mental disorder and is diagnosed nearly as often as asthma and diabetes mellitus.

So, now that you have close to a medical definition, let us wind back those formalities and just have a look at the more placated social OCD's that people may/do have (I do believe these may be also referred to as idiosyncrasies to allay the serious inference of a mental condition!)

Personally I have to say, two specific habits spring to mind:

1 - I can only turn anti-clockwise in the shower. I heard it mentioned on TV many years ago that people have a preferential direction, which extended to rotational direction in activities like showering. For me, I've found that whilst I can turn to my right, I only get to about a quarter turn and then find I change direction and pivot through 450 degrees to maintain a sense of balance. Stop and think about it... does it make any difference to you which way you rotate when trying to get all of your body covered in water? Make yourself aware of this and see what your habits are the next few times you shower.

2 - My FireFox tabs have to be in a set order. It's something I deal with every day and it's such a habit to have my work site, iGoogle, Gmail, Facebook, Forums, Webmail, News and then other sites set up in my browser that I find I get confused and disoriented if they're not in this order. I like things set out in a particular manner (I think most people with a sense of cleanliness/order/space/even pride would experience similar things). It makes a work or living space feel together, in sync and functional. I guess that's what extends to something as basic as my browser tabs.

Call me weird if you must - sticks and stones and all that crap! Just reflect.. what are those little things that make you, you?

Friday, March 5, 2010


What do you think of when you hear the word 'classic'? Does it conjure up images of shiny metal car bonnets with big glistening headlights?

How about an orchestral symphony with the finest instruments?

Or do you just get a visual transformation of all things to black and white?

To me, classic reflects style - something which hasn't dated, and wont date. I found myself engrossed in many things which I would consider to be classic and stylish today whilst reading The Australian's WISH magazine. This month's magazine is based in New York, the 'city that never sleeps' and a location which is promoted as the epitome of fashion, class and making/breaking dreams. Having never been to NY I cannot pass comment, however I will grant the city on being one of great imagery, enthusiasm and encouragement for the grand and divine. It appears to be a world of growth and change, diversity and tradition. I know nothing of the streets, buildings or facilities, but if you mention the name to me, I will always see the black dress of Hepburn and the little blue box of Tiffany. Now that's style which is classic!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sounds gracing my ears today

It's been a few days of headaches, heartaches and general all-over aches. I've tried to maintain a productive level of concentration, but it hasn't been easy. So, to eliminate as much external noise and distraction as possible, I've been plugged in to my extensive music collection.

The problem therein lies with being able to select something worthy of listening to, which I don't get bored of within the first 45 seconds. It's not been an easy task I tell you! So here's a little bit of musical culture for you to also enjoy.

Today, my aural senses have been satisfied with the likes of:
Buena Vista Social Club

A little bit of ol' Dean Martin and Roger Miller

**Oh, I've decided to put up a post every day/couple of days just linking interesting things, or making a ragey comment about something which is irking me, or just generally taking up intarweb space which I claim to feel should be 'mine', just, because!