
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Things I learned whilst in Japan

  1. You will learn to become engrossed in the advertising on trains
  2. For a flat city, you're always walking up stairs
  3. Bikes are not your friend... they are the true Ninjas of the city
  4. Where there's a shadow, it's freaking cold
  5. Hot means hot
  6. As polite as the culture may seem, the locals will still laugh at you when you say words in their complete and formal way
  7. Japanese love the French - they haven't realised why the rest of the world hates the French, obviously
  8. Taxi's will make you think you're in a 1960's timewarp
  9. You're never too young to wear false eyelashes
  10. For a country which makes things smaller and smaller for the rest of the world, they all still use large flip mobile phones
  11. This country is permanently buzzing on caffeine
  12. Push your way through
  13. Even old people get told to sit their arses down in Disneyland
  14. You shouldn't worry about a warm toilet seat
  15. You can congregate wherever you like, even if it's in the middle of the road
  16. Cigarettes are horrid - they smoke worse than a clapped out '79 Torana here, especially in restaurants, but not while walking down the street
  17. You will always feel like you're going against the crowd
  18. There's no such thing as the ground floor.. it all starts at 1


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