
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

From the plane

Below is what I wrote on the flight over to Japan... I'll type up a "what I'm doing while I'm here" post soon:

Some points to note that I should get down before I forget:
My luggage on check in was indeed 11kg - 11.6kg to be precise. Also to note, it was lighter than Beau’s luggage!! How about that…a chick with less packing!
I have it on great authority from my friend Kieran that should things on this holiday become overwhelming, I should set myself on fire because ninja’s can’t catch you when you’re on fire!
This flight is 7246km (distance on the ground) long.

There really is no atmosphere within the Coolangatta airport, especially in the “INTERNATIONAL” lounge. It’s more like a makeshift site office found on the side of a highway construction project.

After spending $233 at duty free for collection upon returning, I immediately calculated how much more I can spend of my tax exempt allowance. The alcohol capacity has already been exhausted by the 1L mango Absolut, 1L red ruby Absolut and 200ml Chivas. The obligatory Chanel No 5 was also purchased.

I have no idea really what kind of shopping experience I can get from this holiday and I’m certainly not going to go overboard with stocking up on junky trinkety things. I’ll definitely find a gift of indulgence for my parents and something extra special for my beautiful man.


I just raised the window cover on the plane - it’s 3pm Qld time (and we’re somewhere in a time zone within the hour). The only thing to be seen is blue and white. The sky is a never ending mono-tone blue with the occasional dot of cloud cluster, suspended rather eerily and yet very intriguingly. There is no perspective or depth - no sign of end to the blue on the way down to indicate the sea below, and no specific curve to the horizon.

And by now my eyes are stinging and my ass is numb. I’ve watched about five hours of shows, considered nothing of the next ten days of sightseeing and written this blog post in my notebook and now typed it up on the Geeesmo so it is ready to cut and paste as soon as I find myself accessible to my comfort zone within the intarwebz.


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