
Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 2 summary

My first encounter of the train systems in Japan. Caught the Keisei line from right behind the hotel to Tawaramachi station (Asakusa). Checked in to the Ryokan and left our bags there, the headed off to the 41st Tokyo Motor Show. Now, I was thinking that the show would be massive, and I guess compared to the Sydney Motor Show it still was, especially cconsidering it was only about $15 entry fee. Anyone with a camera really seemed more interested in taking pics of the demonstration girls than the cars. So I don't know what they would have thought about the white chick frantically taking pics of rims and lights and badges!

The concept cars were interesting, but not groundbreaking. There was an overwhelming push for diesel cars too. Playstation had a massive stall promoting Gran Turismo 5, due for release in March 2010, with various screens and sim type setups for people to try a lap. The waiting line at one point was 40 minutes that I saw. Whilst walking out the back of the pavillions, a mass of food stalls lined the lot, but my biggest surprise came from the single KFC stall - I certainly didn't expect to see that.

I'll put some pics up from the show soon... I can't do any photo resizing on this eeepc, so keep an eye out for the link to my flickr account or a facebook album.

First night in the Ryokan was a shock to the system in a way - floor sleeping, fine; small enclosed room, fine; wheat pillow, unexpected; lumpy futon mat, not fine.


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