
Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 1 Summary (travel day)

Now that I have some intarwebz access, I'll type up some day by day accounts of what's been doing on this trip.

Sunday 1 November:
Flight day.
I broke the plane - twice. First the headrest on my seat: tried to lift it up and pull the wing things in towards my head but the whole thing just lifted off and in to my hands. Then I went to the toilet and the soap dispenser just slipped right off the wall. Admittedly it didn't "break" as such, but it did come away from its fitting. So that still counts. I wonder if that kind of fragility extends to the plane's actual engineering? :s bit of a worry really.

Oh the irony of the meals on the flight... lunch was Japanese curry or chicken terryaki, a taste of things to come at your destination. Dinner on the other hand - now that you're 7 hours away from home, here, have a meat pie or quiche, and ice cream for dessert.

Passed through customs and collected luggage within half hour total. Rather impressed by that. Had to hang around Narita airport for 90 minutes before the shuttle bus to the hotel arrived. Room in the Mercure hotel at Narita was only tiny, but more than comfy considering the long time on the plane. Sleep was glorious, hot shower was devine.


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