
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gym progress

Most people join a gym to lose weight or bulk up. I, apparently, achieve neither of these at the gym. Several years ago I pushed my physical limits with a 13-times per week exercise routine combining general cardio, weight training, RPM classes and pole training, and after an initial "nothing happens" stage for three months I started to lose weight. This resulted in a total of 13kg shed.

This time, I've been back at the gym for over six months, and whilst my routine isn't as regimented, I would have still hoped to see some changes, somewhere other than my bank balance.

I will add the point that my heart medications were changed just before Christmas and the new pills resulted in me being able to go like the clappers on the cardio equipment, with a heart rate of 190bpm, and not feel dizzy, lethargic, muscle cramps etc. It was like the meds induced some kind of bionic strength!

So my average routine now is a good 40-60 minutes of cardio on the elliptical trainer, upright bike and treadmill (my 'running' is limited to 90 second bursts followed by 2 minutes of dying!). This is four or five times a week and a solid weight training session with my PT.

We've faced the fact that I don't lose weight, and I don't really bulk up muscle either, so the weight training has just become a weekly challenge to see what weights I can achieve for arms and legs. Whilst this is indicative of increasing strength and muscle tone, it's hardly reflective in any physical appearance.

So, the major weekly challenge is my leg press ability. I remember when we first started out, the idea of being able to leg press 150kg (100kg of biscuits and 53kg for the press plate) was impressive to my trainer. Little did she know how much strength I had in me. And I confess, I had no idea either! After that first session I did a little bit of research about "how much should I be able to leg press?" Most of the male oriented body building sites suggested a capability to press 2.25 times your body weight. So working with this factor, and adding a little extra,  I went back to my trainer the next week and said I had a goal of 240kg. Well that was blown totally out of the water. Within 3 weeks I was up to 343kg on my fourth set, completing 12 reps without fatigue.

Then I had two weeks off with gland infections and being stuck on medication. I figured it wasn't worth pushing my body when my immune system was depressed and obviously my body was unwell.

I went back the third week and the theory was to just take it easy to get me back in to the weights..... yeah, NO! Screw that easy part!! I pushed past that previous 343kg record and to a new high of 373kg by my fourth set with 12 reps.

This week I changed from solid strength to some volume training (in light of the fact that last weeks 373kg didn't leave me with any soreness in my legs at all!). 173kg was all I managed on a 60 second set of powering up and a slow release down to a count of 4 followed by an instant power up again. Trust me, I'm feeling it this week!

Next week we aim for 400kg+. I'm suspecting I'll be able to get to 450kg as my fourth set with a minimum of 6-8 reps on that final weight before I fatigue. That will be an achievement and one to surely kick most guy's asses with!

THEN we try for my 1RM - the greatest weight I can press in a single push... any guesses where that weight will be?


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