
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hot Cross Buns

So now the last of the Christmas stock has been cleared from the store shelves and we're bombarded with Easter stock (Oh. My. God. 2012 may as well be over already!), the first thing you tend to see as you walk in to any supermarket are buckets of Hot Cross Buns.

I have to say, I'm always partial to the odd bakery item especially when it's adorned with a chuck-out price sticker. And Woolworths didn't disappoint me with that yesterday - upon entry to their supermarket, a bakery employee was just re-stocking a front display with the paper-bagged Indulgent and Decadent 6-pack hot cross buns. They were enticing me with their orange reduced stickers for $2.99 instead of $4.98 (or 2 for $8)... so I picked up both!

The Indulgent White Chocolate and Cranberry range was very similar in texture and taste to a traditional hot cross bun, albeit the cranberries were a little more sparse than you'd normally expect with sultanas but were far far more plump and juicy. The white chocolate added a very subtle taste and texture throughout the bun.

The Decadent Dark Chocolate range was more decadent than I had imagined. The buns were slightly flat and looked as though they had been squashed, but I soon realised it was because the bun itself hadn't been able to maintain a high-rise shape due to the phenomenal amount of dark chocolate chips within each piece. It actually tasted like there was a solid layer of chocolate in the middle of the bun. Very delicious, very moreish and very addictive. Just be warned that by putting your hand in to the bag to extract one of these babies, you will end up with a chocolate coated hand as the stuff gets EVERYWHERE because there's just SO. MUCH. CHOCOLATE!!!

Whilst these were reduced stock, they were baked that day. And even though the Best Before date gave three days, I'd not only recommend they be eaten within 24 hours to take advantage of their freshness and soft texture (I wouldn't like to microwave warm them at any stage), I pretty much guarantee they won't last much longer than that in any household anyway!!

I will certainly be deviating from the traditional hot cross bun on my next purchase of bakery items from Woolworths in preference for these two ranges.


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