
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Astrological Traits

Regardless of whether you're a believer in the powers of the zodiac, or the fortunes of astrology, we were all born in to a phase from which certain persons believe you will adopt personal traits and characteristics. Taking in to account the position of the planets, moons, sun and potentially even space junk, you will inherit your own unique personality under the umbrella of your sign.
I remember as a young child I took great interest in my zodiac sign, and as a teenager I further investigated the compatibility of my sign with those of my crushes throughout school. This resulted in a purchase many years ago of a large framed print detailing my sign. I think at the time I would have been too young to identify if the traits were accurate or not, however these days I often read the print which hangs in our powder room downstairs, and have a giggle at just how apt some of the statement are. Since I'm not able to copy down what the print says at this time (silly work interfering with life!) I decided to troll the net to see what various sites had to say about me.
I'm a water bearer - of the Aquarius astrological star sign if you like.

According to the wikipedia entry: In astrology, Aquarius is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. So, there's my first characteristic - strength.

My web searching has told me that the traditional Aquarian traits are:

Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal Original and inventive Independent and intellectual

Unfortunately, on the dark side, the traits are:
Intractable and contrary Perverse and unpredictable Unemotional and detached

Whilst, in all honesty, I believe I can relate to much of that, it doesn't shine a particularly fine light on me, let alone the masses of population who also fall under this sign. A further search on other astrology sites concluded that:

'I KNOW' is the motto for Aquarius. You have an original and inventive mind and can take the long view. You also have a scientific or technological bent.

I accept that.

Original, independent, individualistic and freedom-loving, you can be rebellious and perverse if you do not handle these qualities well. Your strong likes and dislikes can make you seem stubborn and unyielding.

Fair call.

You have a charming disposition, a great love of life, and you are affectionate and social.
You are charming, gracious and easygoing. You have many artistic talents as well as the ability to express them.

You are strong and self-disciplined. Self-reliant, efficient, dignified and intense, you seldom act until you know what is right for you. Idealistic, probing and set in your ways, you are very trustworthy and you expect the same from others. You lack adaptability and the power to relax. A planner and strategist without equal, you have an all-or-nothing attitude that makes compromise difficult. Sexually you are strong, powerful and secretive; if you misdirect this drive you can become intensely jealous.

Yeah, OK... I think we get the message!


Unknown said...

Sounds like the Gismo I know... :P

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