
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Instagram Challenge

A random thought came over me yesterday as I looked through my twitter feed whilst at the gym - what if I set a task to record my day via photos? And so became the challenge where I would take one photo every hour, for 12 hours to highlight my day's activities. Summary to follow:

06:00-07:00 Good Morning Tia
Tia is my morning wake up call on those morning when I'm not first to rise due to work commitments. Her 'mooing' (that's the noise she makes!) at my bedside is usually followed by her stealing a slipper from my room, and wandering off downstairs.

07:00-08:00 Coffee Time
It's always a pleasant aroma to fill the kitchen. Post breakfast coffee is a ritual in the house.
08:00-09:00 Hair & make-up time
The obligatory "face the day" routine.

09:00-10:00 Shopping @ Harbour Town Shopping Centre
This is the central water feature of Harbour Town. For some reason it's a tourist attraction - personally, all I see is bubbly water!

10:00-11:00 Job hunting
It's a daily chore searching for employment, and one proving to be too great for only two monitors with all of the cut and paste, various browser windows for cross referencing and checking.

11:00-12:00 Wellness
Physio time for injuries sustained in a fall last Saturday. Acupuncture was the treatment of choice today - those needles can be a little freaky if you suddenly tense up. An almighty twinge passes through your body with them.

12:00-13:00 Transportation
My Nissan, my preferred mode of transport.

13:00-14:00 Vessel pre-delivery
Dropped in to check on the boat which is due for delivery tomorrow.

14:00-15:00 Getting crafty
Rummaging through my stores of ribbon. I enjoy creating, and fancy-ing things up!

15:00-16:00 Cookies "flowers" gift box
A novel gift - these have become my trademark of late. Whether they be boxes with chocolate or cookies, they're pretty, and far more consumable than a floral arrangement!

16:00-17:00 Effective marketing
Whilst I'm an infrequent consumer of Coke, it was inevitable that I wouldn't be able to resist when seeing my name on a bottle. Genius marketing in my opinion.

17:00-18:00 Storm season
And down came the rain. Fortunately we didn't receive the lashings which the northern regions did, but the rain is still heavy enough to cause panic and fluster when rushing around to close all windows!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Thinking causes headaches

I think I need to blog more. But I also think my blogs need to be less ranty-ragey - we all know I think the world is full of wankers, and that I'm a lost cause in whatever I do. That being said, whatever I post about is likely to be of little interest to my few (or should I say "selective group of") followers. It has been suggested that the most common topic available for discussion between me and you is boobs, but, that seems to be a theme which is raised almost daily anyway by my own admission!

So, I pose the question, what direction should my expressions take? Since this is hopefully auto-linked between my twitter and Facebook accounts *glares at the technology Gods*, I am expecting at least three replies!!

Oh and by the way, do you like the new page style?