
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh to be a derby girl

Many moons ago, as a child, I spent my weekends learning how to roller skate. Artistic roller skate. It was a short lived past time I must admit, but not for lack of skill. I recall being able to cleanly skate around the rink, spin 180º and stop abruptly on my stoppers, and more impressively, skating backwards around the rink for several laps at a time. I also recall participating in a speed skate session and having some smaller child clip me on the inside curve. This was immediately proceeded by pain, tears and wrist smash that haunts me every winter with a dull ache reminder of the perils of the sport.

With my historical heart set in the ways of roller skating, I took an interest in the resurgence of Roller Derby a couple of years ago. It was an interest held from afar as a spectator. Until last night. I decided to don a pair of scungy hire skates from the Sports Centre and join the fresh meat training for Gold Coast Roller Derby. With much apprehension in lacing (or more aptly should I say 'roping') up the skates and encasing myself in half-fitting protective knee, wrist and elbow guards, I took to the court with a firm belief in the 'it's like riding a bike' theory. Back on the stoppers, in, out, weaving feet, plough stops, T-stops, 180º turns, cross-overs and of course skating backwards. It was all there, and not once did my backside make friends with the ground.

It was comforting to know that my abilities hadn't completely failed me, and I knew that deep down with more time dedicated to practice, it wouldn't be long before I was zooming around the court with full balance and confidence. Just as an aside, please note I say court and not rink as the session was held at an indoor basketball/volleyball/soccer stadium.

But my personal conquests were not enough to make me see that the Roller Derby scene was where I wanted to be. My grown-up requirements for organisation and planning and professionalism were not met by the squad and the whole shindig didn't give me great faith in being able to join in with something which just didn't feel quite right.

Nevertheless, I now know that if I were to ever stumble across a pair of size 10 Riedells with hybrid wheels and a spare pair of bearings, I'd not hesitate in adding them to my collection of shoes!